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Tudor Palace built by Henry VII on the manor of Sheen, renamed as Richmond in 1500.
Place of death of Henry VII in 1509.

Location of marriages of Robert Dudley and Amy Robsart, and John Dudley and Anne Seymour in Jun 1550.

Place of death of Elizabeth I in 1603, Anne Russell being present as lady-in-waiting.


1498 - Building commences on new royal palace at Sheen, following a destructive fire at Christmas 1497.

1500 - Manor of Sheen renamed 'Richmond' on command of King Henry VII, after his title as 'Earl of Richmond'.

21 Apr 1509 - Henry VII dies at Richmond Palace; is succeeded by son Henry VIII.

03 Jun 1550 - JOHN DUDLEY and ANNE SEYMOUR married at Richmond Palace, in presence of EDWARD VI.

04 Jun 1550 - ROBERT DUDLEY and AMY ROBSART married at Richmond Palace, in presence of EDWARD VI.

24 Mar 1603 - Death of ELIZABETH I at Richmond Palace; ANNE RUSSELL present at deathbed as lady-in-waiting.


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