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Recommended Resources

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A selection of recommended books about the Dudley Women and their families, with links for purchase in a variety of different formats, including preloved and audiobooks. 



Examples of documentaries available on TV (including catchup) and streaming platforms.
Will also be updated regularly, based on availability, broadcasting schedules etc, as well as recommendations from others.



Examples of 16th and 17th century maps of Tudor England, as well as links to websites providing more detailed information.



A selection of related podcasts, including individual episodes, with links for download from alternative podcast providers.


Online Resources

A variety of other websites and online resources providing information for key figures, events etc.
Will be updated regularly, and based on recommendations from others.

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Places to Visit

A list of places in England which played an important role in the story of the Dudleys, which are still open to the public for visiting.

If you have any comments/feedback, or additional recommendations for the above,  please make contact via email or via social media. Thank you. 

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